User Interface: Resaerch and Practice

User Interface: Resaerch and Practice

Talk at TITECH

Toshiyuki Masui
Keio SFC (Shonan Fujisawa Campus)
Worked at Fujitsu, Sharp, Sony, AIST,
Developed "POBox" at Sony (a text input system for mobile phones)
Worked at Apple Inc. from 2006-2008
Developed a Japanese text input system for iPhone
Doing research on various UI systems
Running many Web services
Working at Keio SFC from 2009

Research areas
Text input
Predictive interfaces
Ubiquitous comupting
User authentication

Today's topics
Masui's systems
Web services and UbiComp
Evolution of computer
Small advices

Silicon Valley

Talk on NHK (2011/6/19)


Most recent book
Psychology of User Interface
"Are you satisfied with your smart phone?"
From Kobunsha, 2015

Everybody is cheated by Steve Jobs!

Magazine/Web articles

“Columbus days”
Articles on "Software Design" magagine

Masui's development policy
Trying to remove all the difficulties in life
Making things as simple as possible
Trying to make everything universal
Using the system everyday
“Eating my own dog food”

Text input system for Japanese mobile phones
Predict words from part of pronunnciations
Approximate pattern matching

Flick input for iPhone
"T-Cube" method + prediction


50-character input

Demo: Gyazo

Sharing book information on the Web

Demo: Hondana

Wiki new generation
Simple and strong
WYSIWYG editing
Simple tag/link notations

Example: UIPedia

Example: eBook

Scrapbox features
Direct editing
Bidirectional links
Simple link/tag notations
Presentation mode

Automatic generation of mailing lists
Send a message to

Drawing on the Web

Password manager based on episodic memory

Demo: EpisoPass

Automatically refreshing Web pages


Simple navigation for huge hierarchical data

Use only two switches
Various configuration possible

Find interesting books using e-book database

Browse multi-attribute large database using only four keys

Web services and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp)
Same goals
Good integration required

An old apartment (Nagaya) in Edo
Can you live here?

What if...
Perfect wireless network
Large computer display
Perfect air conditioning
Convenience store next door
Many good restaurants everywhere

What do we need?
Fast wiress network
Small computers
Sensors / actuators

What's missing?
We only need ideas!

USB sensors

USB/Serial + AVR

Arduino Micro

Arduino + Bluetooth

Raspberry Pi
ARM-based one-board Linux computer

Intel Edison

Framework for real-world computing
Using sensors on Android
Read NFC => Open a browser => Run JS => Use sensors
Describe everything in JavaScript
JS source on the Web

Video: GoldFish

GoldFish architecture
GoldFish client
Sensor + display
GoldFish server
JavaScript programs
URL redirection

GoldFish client
Invoking WebView from NFC intent
Display a page corresponding to NFC id
Run JS program using sensors

GoldFish server
Redirect from
c.f. TinyURL,

Example1: showing a user manual

Example2: Clocks

Example3: rotation interface

Real-world copy/paste

Evolution of computer interface

Phylogenetic tree

Cambrian explosion
541 million years ago
= Cambrian period
Most major animal phyla appeared

Cambrian explosion

Evolution doesn't happen gradually

Ancient control panel

Airplane cockpit

Microcomputer created by Masui
Around 1976


Data tape reader

1973 @ PARC
World-first GUI computer
Bitmap display
Window / Icon / Menu / Pointing device (WIMP)

Xerox Star

1983 @ Apple
GUI-based personal computer from Apple
Steve Jobs developed this after seeing Alto

Lisa screenshot

Is there evolution recently?
WIMP has been around for 30+ years
We need real evolution!
We have to invent it

Creating the future

Creating the future

Advices for young IT specialists

Find interesting/essential problems
Clever engineers can solve problems
They often fail to find essential problems
Finding an essential problem is more important

e.g. Buying train tickets
Should we develop clevar ticket machines? (wrong)
We should use Suica! (right)

Masui's development policy
Trying to remove all the difficulties in life
Making things as simple as possible
Trying to make everything universal
Using the system everyday
Eating my own dog food

How can we get good ideas?
Many books written on getting ideas
Get a lot of information, think a lot, and sleep / take a shower

Truth on IT startups
Old large IT company
Nice place to work?
New IT company
Can we trust it?
Why not doing business yourself?

Requirements for a good startup company
Good idea
Good people
Good relationship
Some money

Getting funds
From venture capital companies (VCs)
From "Angels"

Startup example: Gyazo

Gyazo (2010/7)

Gyazo (2012/1)

Gyazo (2014/1)

Gyazo (2015/1)

How popular is Gyazo?
1: Google
2: Facebook
??: Gyazo

Alexa info (2013/11/14)

Alexa info (2014/1/15)

Alexa info (2014/10/27)

Alexa info (2014/11/14)

Alexa info (2015/1/26)

Alexa Info (2017/4)

Gyazo office (2014)

Entrance of Gyazo office

Gyazo office (2017)


How can you get good personal relations?
Network of people is VERY important
Getting funds
Hiring people

Case1: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
Was an excellent child
Called the president of HP, and became friends
Worked at Atari when he was in high school
Found Steve Wozniak
Found Bill Atkinson
Visited Xerox PARC and stole everything

Case2: Yukichi Fukuzawa

The first ambassador ship to America

Yukichi Fukuzawa
Excellent at school
Heard a rumor about Kanrin-maru
Talked with the captain, and joind
He was not invited at all!

Study hard!
Always be prepared!
Find good friends!

Study hard!
Always be prepared!
Find good friends!
Sleep well!

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